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What is your ULID (c-number)
Have you taken a class that included a research or creative activity component also referred to as a Student Research Experience (SRE)?
What college or center was this class offered in?
College of the Arts
B.I. Moody III College of Business and Administration
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Liberal Arts
College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions
College of Science
University College
Edith Garland Dupre Library
UL Lafayette associated Research Institutes, Centers or Laboratories
Are you conducting mentored research with a faculty member?
What college or center is your mentored research occurring in?
College of the Arts
B.I. Moody III College of Business and Administration
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Liberal Arts
College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions
College of Science
University College
Edith Garland Dupre Library
UL Lafayette associated Research Institutes, Centers or Laboratories
What department is your mentored research occurring in?
Are you interested in completing an extra-curricular (not in class) research or creative activity project also referred to as a Student Research Experience (SRE)?
How long are you willing to work on a extra-curricular SRE?
One semester
One year
Three semesters
Two years
From the start until graduation
Only in the summers
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